


Hong Kong is very easy to open a virtual bank.

Some prerequisite knowledge you need to know: Basic knowledge of bank accounts and cards in Hong Kong

Some Hong Kong virtual banks have opened support for opening accounts with mainland Chinese ID cards, but they generally require that you be in Hong Kong and provide Hong Kong immigration records in order to open an account.

livi bank##

Official website

  • Supports opening accounts with mainland Chinese ID cards, mainland Chinese ID card holders can open an account in Hong Kong using their mobile phones
  • Has virtual cards, no physical cards, supports Apple/Google Pay
  • Supports QR code withdrawals without a card
  • Supports eDDA, FPS

ZA Bank 眾安銀行##

Official website

  • Supports opening accounts with mainland Chinese ID cards, mainland Chinese ID card holders can open an account in Hong Kong using their mobile phones
  • Has physical cards, supports Apple/Google Pay
  • Supports eDDA, FPS

Airstar Bank 天星銀行##

Official website

  • Supports opening accounts with mainland Chinese ID cards, mainland Chinese ID card holders can open an account in Hong Kong using their mobile phones
  • No card
  • Withdrawals need to be transferred to another bank account first
  • Supports eDDA, FPS

Ant Bank 螞蟻銀行(香港)##

Official website

The following banks temporarily do not support opening accounts with mainland Chinese ID cards.

Mox Bank##

Official website

  • Has physical cards, supports Apple/Google Pay
  • Supports eDDA, FPS

Welab Bank 匯立銀行##

Official website

  • Has physical cards, supports Apple/Google Pay
  • Supports eDDA, FPS

Fusion Bank 富融銀行##

Official website

  • No card
  • Supports QR code withdrawals without a card
  • Supports eDDA, FPS

Ping An One Account Bank 平安壹賬通銀行(香港)##

Official website

  • No card
  • Withdrawals need to be transferred to another bank account first
  • Does not support eDDA, supports FPS
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