


American Express savings card issued by Chinese banks

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If you want to apply for a savings card issued in mainland China, it is recommended to use AMEX.

Some necessary basic knowledge: Basic knowledge of bank cards in mainland China

China CITIC Bank

On June 8, 2023, China CITIC Bank opened online applications for the Liantong Gold Card Debit Card.


China CITIC Bank Liantong Gold Card Debit Card

  • This is a Chinese yuan debit card and does not require currency exchange.
  • It requires acceptance of the first and second category account management rules.


  • No annual fee
  • No foreign transaction fee (FTF)
  • No cash withdrawal fee for the first 3 overseas ATM withdrawals each month
  • Requires acceptance of the first and second category account management rules
  • BIN: 377138
  • Supports WeChat, Alipay, UnionPay, and transfers from other bank apps to Liantong debit cards
  • Does not support Apple Pay, Apple ID, and transfers within UnionPay

Guangfa Bank

Card Types:

Guangfa Bank American Express Lucky Debit CardDream (MEMBER)
Guangfa Bank American Express CBA Co-branded Debit CardHeart Reward (SELECT)


Guangfa Bank American Express Lucky Debit Card

Guangfa Bank American Express CBA Co-branded Debit Card

Application for Guangfa Bank AMEX savings card: Search for "American Express" in the Guangfa Bank app to apply.

  • Requires facial verification, please apply during the day.
  • Requires activation at a bank branch.

Application progress inquiry:

  1. Dial 4008308003.
  2. For personal banking services, press 1, then listen to the menu and press 6 for debit card application, activation, and progress inquiry.
  3. Enter your ID card number, press #, then enter the reserved mobile phone number, press #. If there is a record, you will receive a text message.

Notes for branch activation:

  • Currently, VTM machines cannot recognize the card, so activation can only be done at the counter by inputting the information as a new card application.
  • Need to tell the counter to open according to the pre-made card, consistent with the debit card opening method provided by the bank. Do not open a customized card (if the teller opens a customized card, a new card that needs to be remade will be issued. After discovering the problem, the only solution is to report the loss and cancel the card).


  • BIN: 370330
  • For overseas transactions, the exchange rate is converted to Chinese yuan and frozen by 120%. It will be "pre-authorized" in the current freeze amount after about two days, and then unfrozen and deducted.
  • Should support WeChat, Alipay, UnionPay, PayPal, Google Pay
  • Does not support Apple Pay, Apple ID, Steam

Industrial Bank

Card Types:

Industrial Bank American Express Standard Debit CardHeart Reward (SELECT)General users can apply
Industrial Bank American Express Enjoyable Debit CardHeart Reward (SELECT)Only available for users above 50 years old
Industrial Bank American Express Lianlian Co-branded Debit CardHeart Reward (SELECT)Targeted at cross-border e-commerce individual sellers


Industrial Bank American Express Standard Debit Card

Industrial Bank American Express Enjoyable Debit Card

Industrial Bank American Express Lianlian Co-branded Debit Card

After receiving the card, bring the envelope to the branch for activation.


Industrial Bank Liantong Standard Debit Card


  • Supports WeChat, Alipay, UnionPay, PayPal, Google Pay
  • Supports Bank of China ATMs
  • Does not support Apple Pay, Apple ID
  • Does not support transfers within UnionPay
  • Supports transfers from other bank apps to Liantong debit cards
  • Requires acceptance of the first and second category account management rules
  • No Bluetooth shield, daily limit of 5k
  • Currently no annual fee (reserves the right to charge an annual fee)

Industrial Bank Liantong Enjoyable Debit Card

Requires applicants to be above 50 years old.

Compared to the Industrial Bank Liantong Standard Debit Card, it has the following advantages:

  • No charge for Elf Messenger SMS service
  • No charge for the first 10 domestic interbank ATM withdrawals each month
  • No charge for the first 3 overseas ATM withdrawals each month

Industrial Bank American Express Lianlian Co-branded Debit Card

  • Currently only available in Guangdong Province, Fuzhou City, and Xiamen City
  • Zhejiang Province, Shanxi Province, Anhui Province, Hubei Province, and Hunan Province will soon be opened

Methods of card issuance:

  1. Appointment for home visit (Regional range: Guangdong Province): Users fill in appointment information, and bank customer managers provide card issuance services at home.
  2. Card activation by mail (Regional range: Guangdong Province, Fuzhou City, Xiamen City): The bank pre-sends the card, and users can activate it at any business outlet within the region.
  3. Users bring personal identification documents to designated business outlets to apply for a debit card.
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